Original English:
"Love Is Just A
Four-Letter Word"
(originally by Bob
Seems like only
I left my mind
Down in the Gypsy Cafe
With a friend of a
friend of mine
She sat with a baby
heavy on her knee
Yet spoke of life
most free from slavery
With eyes that
showed no trace of misery
A phrase in
connection first with she occurred
That love is just a
four-letter word
Outside a rattling
store-front window
Cats meowed to the
break of day
Me, I kept my mouth
To you I had no
words to say
My experience was
limited and underfed
You were talking
while I hid
To the one who was
the father of your kid
You probably didn't
think I did, but I heard
You say that love is
just a four-letter word
I said goodbye
Pushed towards
things in my own games
Drifting in and out
of lifetimes
Unmentionable by
Searching for my
double, looking for
Complete evaporation
to the core
Though I tried and
failed at finding any door
I must have thought
that there was nothing more
Absurd than that
love is just a four-letter word
Though I never knew
just what you meant
When you were
speaking to your man
I can only think in
terms of me
And now I understand
After waking enough
times to think I see
The Holy Kiss that's
supposed to last eternity
Blow up in smoke,
its destiny
Falls on strangers,
travels free
Yes, I know now,
traps are only set by me
And I do not really
need to be
Assured that love is
just a four-letter word
Strange it is to be
beside you
Many years and
tables turned
You'd probably not
believe me
If I told you all
I've learned
And it is very, very
weird indeed
To hear words like
forever plead
Those ships run
through my mind, I cannot cheat
It's like looking in
the teacher's face complete
I can say nothing to
you but repeat what I heard
That love is just a
four-letter word
Saesneg Gwreiddiol:
"Dim ond gair pedwar llythyren yw cariad"
(yn wreiddiol gan Bob Dylan)
Mae'n ymddangos fel ddoe yn unig
Gadewais fy meddwl ar ôl
Lawr yn y Caffi Sipsiwn
Gyda ffrind i ffrind i mi
Eisteddodd gyda babi'n drwm ar ei phen-glin
Ac eto, soniodd am fywyd sydd fwyaf rhydd rhag
Gyda llygaid nad oedd yn dangos unrhyw olion o
Digwyddodd ymadrodd mewn cysylltiad yn gyntaf â hi
Gair pedwar llythyren yn unig yw'r cariad hwnnw
Y tu allan i ffenestr ffrynt siop sy'n llygod mawr
Cathod wedi'u mesu i'r egwyl o'r dydd
Fi, cadwais fy ngheg ar gau
I chi doedd gen i ddim geiriau i'w dweud
Roedd fy mhrofiad yn gyfyngedig ac yn cael ei dan-fwydo
Yr oeddech yn siarad wrth guddio
I'r un a oedd yn dad i'ch plentyn
Mae'n debyg nad oeddech chi'n meddwl fy mod wedi gwneud
hynny, ond clywais
Dywedwch mai gair pedwar llythyren yn unig yw cariad
Dywedais ffarwel heb i neb sylwi
Gwthio tuag at bethau yn fy gemau fy hun
Drifftio i mewn ac allan o oes
Heb ei wneud yn ôl ei enw
Chwilio am fy dwbl, chwilio am
Anweddiad llwyr i'r craidd
Er i mi geisio a methu dod o hyd i unrhyw ddrws
Mae'n rhaid fy mod wedi meddwl nad oedd dim mwy
Dim ond gair pedwar llythyren yw abswrd na'r cariad hwnnw
Er na wyddwn erioed beth oeddech chi'n ei olygu
Pan oeddech chi'n siarad â'ch dyn
Ni allaf ond meddwl o'm rhan i
A nawr rwy'n deall
Ar ôl deffro digon o weithiau i feddwl rwy'n gweld
Y Kiss Sanctaidd sydd i fod i bara'n hiraethus
Chwythwch i fyny mewn mwg, ei ffawd
Syrthio ar ddieithriaid, teithio am ddim
Ydwyf, rwy'n gwybod nawr, dim ond fi sy'n gosod trapiau
Ac nid oes gwir angen i mi fod yn
Sicrhau mai gair pedwar llythyren yn unig yw cariad
Rhyfedd yw bod wrth eich ochr
Trodd blynyddoedd lawer a byrddau
Mae'n debyg na fyddech yn fy nghredu
Pe bawn i'n dweud wrthych chi'r cyfan rydw i wedi'i
Ac mae'n rhyfedd iawn, iawn yn wir
Clywed geiriau fel pledio am byth
Mae'r llongau hynny'n rhedeg drwy fy meddwl, ni allaf
Mae fel edrych yn wyneb yr athro wedi'i gwblhau
Ni allaf ddweud dim wrthych ond ailadrodd yr hyn a
Gair pedwar llythyren yn unig yw'r
cariad hwnnw
Upprunaleg enska:
"Ástin er bara fjögurra stafa orð"
(upphaflega eftir Bob Dylan)
Ūađ virđist bara vera í gær.
Ég skildi hugann eftir
Niðri á Sígaunakaffihúsinu
Með vini mínum
Hún sat með barn þungt á hnénu
Samt talaði hann um líf sem er mest laust við þrælahald
Með augum sem sýndu engin ummerki um þjáningar
Setning í sambandi kom fyrst fram við hana
Þessi ást er bara fjögurra stafa orð
Fyrir utan framglugga skröltandi verslunar
Kettir rugluðu í hléi dagsins
Ég hélt kjafti.
Fyrir þig hafði ég engin orð til að segja
Reynsla mín var takmörkuð og vanmetin
Þú varst að tala í felum
Þeim sem var faðir barnsins þíns
Þú hélst líklega ekki að ég gerði það, en ég heyrði það
Þú segir að ástin sé aðeins fjögurra stafa orð
Ég kvaddi án þess að nokkur tæki eftir því
Ýtir undir hlutina í mínum eigin leikjum
Rekur inn og út úr lífinu
Ekki gert með nafni
Leita að tvöföldu tvennu minni, leita að
Algjör uppgufun á kjarnanum
Þó ég hafi reynt og ekki fundið neinar dyr
Ég hlýt að hafa haldið að það væri ekkert meira
Fáránleiki er aðeins fjögurra stafa orð en sú ást
Þó ég hafi aldrei vitað hvað þú meintir
Þegar þú varst að tala við þinn mann
Ég get bara hugsað eins og fyrir mig
Og nú skil ég
Eftir að hafa vaknað nógu oft til að halda að ég sjái
Heilagur koss sem á að endast nostalgískur
Blása upp í reyk, örlög þess
Falla á ókunnugum, ókeypis ferðalög
Já, ég veit það núna, aðeins ég set gildrur
Og ég þarf eiginlega ekki að vera
Gakktu úr skugga um að ástin sé aðeins fjögurra stafa orð
Það er skrýtið að vera við hlið þér
Mörg ár og stjórnir snerust
Þú myndir líklega ekki trúa mér
Ef ég segði þér allt sem ég hef lært
Og það er mjög, mjög skrýtið vissulega
Heyra orð eins og að biðja að eilífu
Þessi skip hlaupa í gegnum huga minn, ég get ekki
Það er eins og að horfa framan í fullkláraða kennarann
Ég get ekki sagt þér annað en að
endurtaka það sem ég hef heyrt
Þessi ást er bara fjögurra stafa orð
kupu pū whā noa iho te aroha"
nā Pōti Tiwhi)
Te āhua
nei inanahi nei.
I mahue
i a au taku hinengaro
i Te Pākākā
tētahi hoa o tōku hoa
Ka noho
a ia me te pēpi taumaha i runga i tōna pona
Heoi anō
ka kōrero ia mo tētahi ora e tino wātea ana i te kahungatanga
Mā ngā
whatu kāore i kite i te pūtanga o te mamae
tētahi rerenga i roto i tētahi pātahitanga i kitea tuatahitia ai
He kupu
pū whā noa iho tēnei aroha
I tua
atu i te matapihi o mua o tētahi toa whakararo
I te
wehenga o tēnei rā, ka pūrewa nga poti
Ka katia
e au te.
Ki a
koe, kaore aku kupu hei kōrero
whāiti, i whakaitia hoki tōku wheako
I te
kōrero huna koe
Ko te
pāpā o tō tamaiti
Tērā pea
kaore koe i whakaaro i pēnei ahau, engari i rongo ahau.
E kī ana
koe ko te aroha he kupu pū whā noa iho
poroporoaki ahau, kāore he tangata e mōhio ana
Ka pana
i ngā mea i aku ake kēmu
E tāheke
mai ana, i waho o te ora
Kāore i
mahia mā te ingoa
Rapua te
pūmahara e rua, rapua te
oti o te uho
Ahakoa i
ngana ahau, ahakoa kāore i kitea he tatau
pōhēhē ahau kua kore he mea anō
He kupu
pū whā noa iho te māmā, engari ko tēnā aroha
kore rawa ahau i mōhio ki tāu i kōrero ai
I a koe
e kōrero ana ki tō tangata
Ka taea
anake e au te whakaaro pēnei mōku anō
Ā, kua
mārama ahau ināianei
I muri
iho i te whakaohotanga kia rawaka ngā wā ki te whakaaro ka kitea e au
He kihi
tapu ki te whakamutunga ātaahua
Pupuhi i
roto i te kauruki, tōna taunga
E taka
ana ki runga i ngā tauhou, te haere koreutu
Āe, e
mōhio ana ahau ināianei, nāku anake i tautuhi tāwhiti
Ā, kāore
i te tino hiahiatia
titiro he kupu pū whā noa iho te aroha
rerekē te noho i tō taha
Ngā tau
me ngā papa i takahuria
Tērā pea
kaore koe e whakapono mai ki a au
Mēnā i
kōrerotia e au ngā mea katoa kua akona e au
He tino
rerekē hoki
ki ngā kupu pēnei i te inoi mo ake tonu atu
E rere
ana ēnei kaipuke i roto i tōku hinengaro, kaore e taea e au te tinihanga
Pēnei i
te titiro atu ki te mata o te kaiako kua oti
Kāore e taea e au te kōrero anō ki a koe engari me te tārua
anō i ngā mea i rongo ai ahau
He kupu pū whā noa iho tēnei aroha
Back to English:
"Love is just four letter words"
(first due to Vote Shend)
It looks like yesterday.
I left my mind
Down The Almond
By a friend of my friend
She and a heavy baby sat on her lap
So he speaks for a life that is most free from slavery
Eyes not seen in pain-related attack
A sentence in a relationship was first discovered
This love is just four letter words
Beyond the front window of a shop down
In today's division, the boats were rent
I close it.
To you, I have no words to say
Limited and reduced my experience
In your secret talk
The husband of your child
You probably didn't think I was like that, but I heard
You say love is just four letter words
I was farewell, no one knows
Push things out of my own game
Rapids, outside of life
Not done by name
Search for two memory, search for the
Core finished cooling
Even if I tried, though, no doors were found
I've been misunderstanding that there's been nothing else
It's just four letter words that are easy, but that's
Even though I didn't know what you were talking about
When you talk to your man
I can only think like this for me again
And I am clearly now
After the wake up to enough moments to think I'll find
A holy kiss to a beautiful ending
Blowing in a fight, its ration
Falls on strangers, free travel
Yes, I know now, so I only set traps
And it's not really necessary
Make sure there are just four letters of love
It's different to stay on your side
Numbers and boards toggle
You may not believe me
If I told you everything I've learned
And it's also very different
Listen to words like asking for ever more
These ships fly in my mind, I can't cheat
Like looking at the completed teacher's face
I can't tell you more but repeat what
I've heard
This love is just four letter words
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